How to Adapt to Change

How do you stay relevant in a world of continuous change and uncertainty? Although everyone reacts to change differently, those who achieve success have particular mindsets, adaptability skills and attitudes. Our guest Arlene Gotera has been in many changes throughout her career. She has gone from practicing as pediatrician to nurse to case manager, then to holding leadership positions in health care management. She has also been adapting to different cultures as a Filipina in the US and in Saudi Arabia. Her tips as regards adapting to change include: 1. For any big change, do a SWOT analysis (strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats). 2. Step back to leap forward. 3. Have a goal in mind and stick to the plan. Be guided by your mission and purpose. 4. Don't expect people to adjust to you. Adjust to the situation. 5. Let go of titles. Don't get stuck to the titles. Any profession as long as it is a decent and honorable profession is worth doing. 6. Get out of your comfort zone, it might just be making you resistant to change. 7. Deny yourself in little sacrifices every day and you will build your stamina to face any change. 8. Focus on the positives and see on you can mitigate the negatives. 9. Be humble to accept that not everything is in your control.